THEE upNup hosts a variety of streams every week. Large party streams, small group games, and a bi-weekly video game podcast. You can check us out every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but also check back for special shows like our live reactions, Game Awards watch party, THEE annual Yaldy’s our end of the year awards show, and many more. On occassion Skim picks up a pencil and does a drawing or two, or does a stream with his son.
Games we play:
Fall Guys
Sea of Thieves
Golf With Your Friends
Gang Beasts
We Were Here
Among Us
Mario Kart
Mario Party
Jackbox Party Pack
Lethal Company
Pummel Party
Modern Warfare
Overwatch 2
Indie Games
If you are interested in joining the community we welcome ALL and respect ALL who respect each other. Join us on our insanely popular discord for up-to-date news, game invites, and endless topics to share whatever you love with the community. Invites start the day of and are first come first serve.
Join our Discord?
Stream Schedule
THEE upNupPodcast (Monthly)
Variety Stream (Weekly)
Group Stream.
AT 10:30PM
Community Stream